Category : Science - Knowledge - Rationalism
Subcategory : Philosophy
Records 1 to 6 from 6

1. - Ecology / Environment Environmental Philosophy :
  This website features thousands of annotated links and text resources for students and teachers in the field of Ecology, Environmental Science and Environmental Philosophy.
2. United Nations – Sustainable Development – Agenda 21 - Desertification and Drought :
  Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment. This page deals with “Desertification and Drought” issue from the Agenda 21.
3. FAO - Desertification :
  The Web site contains technical and scientific data and information, available at FAO, as well as links to a number of highly informative Web sites on desertification. The information provided in this site represents a significant share of the FAO knowledge and expertise on sustainable development and drylands management.
4. United Nations Secreteriat of the Convention to Combat Desertification :
  This is the second generation of the UNCCD website launched in June 2000. It was designed to facilitate the access to the official documents maintained or received by the secretariat (COP-documents, Reports and Action Programmes) for the participants of the COP-process as well as to establish a general source of information on the topic of desertification for the interested public. This page provides technical instructions about the usage of the CCD website and details how to achieve an optimal browsing experience.
5. Office to combat desertification and drought :
  The Office to Combat Desertification and Drought of UNDP is responsible for leading and supporting the organization's efforts to promote sustainable human development in the drylands. The Office is located in the Environmentally Sustainable Development Group (ESDG) of the Bureau for Development Policy (BDP). In line with UNDP's new business plan, UNSO will support policy dialogue and institutional capacity building to help countries to integrate dryland issues into national development planning frameworks
6. The Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use :
  Since 1989 the European Community has established and funded a number of international programmes of research to address the issues of desertification, or land degradation, and the increasing demand on water resources across southern Europe. MEDALUS has been one of the projects in this programme, (DGXII, Environment Programme) and has sought to improve understanding of a wide range of physical, environmental problems, and to suggest and develop options for their amelioration. Since its start in 1991, there have been three phases to the project the third of which ended in June 1999. The emphasis of the research has changed in each phase and the partners also changed to reflect this.
Records 1 to 6 from 6